What is Middlesex Water DIRECTAlert?
Middlesex Water DIRECTAlert is a program through which customers can update their contact information so we, in turn, can issue notification about major water quality issues directly impacting them.
Why should I sign up for Middlesex Water DIRECTAlert?
Our customers’ health and safety is of paramount importance. We’ve created the DIRECTAlert Program to help you keep your family safe during a water quality emergency. The DIRECTAlert program allows us to communicate directly with our customers based on information they provide (email, home phone (landline) or mobile phone number). If a water quality issue arises or DEP mandated boil water advisory is issued that directly affects their service, customers that provide their contact info via DIRECTAlert will be able to receive notifications about such developments. The Company will also post information and Alerts on its social media platforms and website.
How do I sign up for the DIRECTAlert Program?
Signing up for the DIRECTAlert program is quick and easy. You will need:
- Your account number
- Your Zip Code
UPDATES: Via the DIRECTAlert program, you also have the ability to update your contact information at anytime in the future.
Once you access the sign up form and enter that information, you simply provide the contact information for email, landline phone number or mobile phone number and the methods through which you would like to be contacted.
Please note: By providing your number you agree to allow Middlesex Water Company to uses the telephone number you provide to communicate with you about your water utility services, service interruptions, boil water advisories and other aspects of services we provide. Middlesex Water does not engage in telemarketing and all communication with you via telephone is conducted in accordance with all applicable state laws. We encourage you to review our privacy policy located here https://www.middlesexwater.com/privacy-policy/.
Where can I call for more information?
You may contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 549-3802 and ask about the Middlesex Water DIRECTAlert Program.