Domestic Service Line Installation: New Service Off Existing Water Main
Step #1 Apply with Online Application
To apply, you will need to know:
- Desired Meter/Service Size
- Service Address/Mailing Address
- Lot & Block of property to be served
- Site Plan showing the existing/proposed structures and the proposed service line
When the customer applies for a service, a Customer Service Representative will review the details of the service line including meter and account set up. See Metering Standards for information on the metering of your service.
Step #2 MWC Processes the Service Application
MWC will review the application for compliance with MWC standards and contact the Customer if there are any issues with the application that were not available at the time of application.
Step #3 Customer installs the private portion of the Service Line
The customer is responsible for installing the service line from the structure to the edge of the public right of way. This piping MUST be installed PRIOR to MWC tapping the main and connecting to customer piping. The customer should notify MWC that their piping is installed and ready for connection.
Step #4 MWC Taps the Main and Connects to the Customer Line
After the customer has installed their portion of the service line and contacted MWC that their piping is ready, MWC will verify the customer side installation and schedule the work to tap the main, install the meter, and connect to the customer’s service line.
NOTE: Depending on backlog, this can take 2 to 8 weeks to schedule after confirmation the customer side of the service is ready. The busiest times for service installation is early spring and late fall.
- The customer does not have a suitable site plan depicting the work
- There is no water main at the property (A main extension must be done, see Main Extension Procedures)
- The customer tries to “predict” when their service piping will be installed and notifies MWC of that date. If a customer notifies MWC their service is ready and it is found to be not ready, that application is put behind other pending applications.
- Roadway Moratoriums – Newly Paved Roadway and Winter Moratoriums
- There is an “unusual” circumstance with the tap that may require a customer deposit (these are generally identified at the time of application)
- Tapping of a concrete main
- State Highway permitting
- Railroads
Main Extension & Main Relocation: New Service Without Existing Water Main
The following is a guideline to help Developers file an application for water main extensions with Middlesex Water Company (MWC). Acquiring water service by main extension is a process with a number of steps, each requiring a certain amount of time. Collaborating with Middlesex Water early in the project can help reduce impacts to the project schedule.
Step #1 Submit Plans to the Local Fire Department.
Developer submits one copy of plan to Fire Department for hydrant plotting. The local Fire Department has the final say on whether or not the proposed development will require fire hydrants.
Step #2 Determine if a Permit is required.
Based on the scope of the project, the Developer may need a permit from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)/Bureau of Well Systems and Well Permits. The developer or their Engineer must work with MWC to prepare and submit the permit application. All NJDEP permits for water main construction must be submitted by MWC. The application process can proceed without a permit, but construction cannot begin until all required permits are in place. MWC is currently under a Master Permit.
Step #3 Apply with Middlesex Water Company.
Schedule a meeting or send a letter of request along with two (2) full-size copies of the development plan and a CD (in AutoCAD format) of the plan to:
Senior Project Engineer
Middlesex Water Company
1500 Ronson Road
Iselin, New Jersey 08830
When making application, include the exact legal name and address of the entity to be on the agreements, contact information for the Developers project manager and a brief description of the project and anticipated water demands. Details of water service will also be determined. NOTE: MWC does not provide individual meters for multiple unit dwellings, rather such facilities are provided with a master meter. Metering details are provided in our Metering Standards
Step #4 Construction Commences
Prior to construction, MWC secured the needed road opening permits. When the site is prepared (including curbing and other improvements that set the grade for the site), the construction of the facilities can begin. Upon completion of the project, the final project costs will be trued up. Any extra costs will be invoiced to the Developer and any deposit received over the construction amount will be refunded. After an eligible project is placed in service, the refund amount will be determined by the “Refund Formula” as described in the agreement. Main Relocations are not subject to refunds.
Main Extension & Main Relocation Process Description Timeline
- Developer delivers Application packet to Middlesex Water Company (MWC).
- Service line details such as location, diameter and metering are agreed upon.
- MWC develops construction plans for the work in accordance with our standards (3 to 6 weeks depending on score and work load).
- The final design sent out to bid to our pre-approved contractors. Only pre-qualified contractors may install facilities on the MWC system.
- Approximately two to three (2-3) weeks after the job is sent out for bids, depending on scope, the bids are returned and evaluated
- The project cost is sent to the Developer for deposit along with the Main Extension or Main Relocation agreement. The deposit must be paid in the full amount prior to scheduling of any construction work.
- Any easements necessary are secured along with the executed Main Extension or Main Relocation Agreement.
- Upon receipt of the executed Main Extension Agreement, any necessary easements or permits, the construction work is scheduled. Actual start of work is dependent on contractor availability and is typically 3 to 6 weeks AFTER the deposit is received.